P.G. Diploma in Computer Application
(First Semester) EXAMINATION, Jan.,2019
(New Course)
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 100
1. (a) Explain the following in brief :(i) Identifiers and Keywords
(ii) Variables
(iii) Constant
(iv) Character Set
(b) Describe operators and their types and write operator precedence.
(c) Explain single character input-output with example.
2. (a) Write a program to generate series of n even numbers.(b) Differentiate While and Do-while loop by giving one example of program.
(c) Write a program to show the use of break and continue statements.
3. (a) What is Function ? Explain library function and write program using library function.(b) Defferentiate Recursion and Iteration.
(c) Write a program for two-dimensional array.
4. (a) Explain the meaning and purpose of the following :(i) Types of Keywords
(ii) friend function
(iii) Void Pointer
(b) Write a program to calculate factorial of any number using ponter.
(c) Explain pointer and string with suitable example.
5.(a) Write a program to illustrate the use of union and also describe the scope of union.(b) What are the user defined data type ? Explain their type.
(c) Write comparison between Structure and Union.
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