What is in html

 Hello and welcome guy's today we are talking about the HTML insight so let's start from the beginning let's know first about the HTML.

What is HTML?

HTML is the markup language we are also called the skeleton of web development languages. As the name include Markup it is the line as a boundary of the web development languages that's printed as the skeleton.

Full form of the HTML is Hyper Text Markup Language this is the fully open for all and in current time we are working on html5 this is the latest version of HTML.

Your Question is What is in html ?

Today HTML is the fully developed language it's many more features including day by day. In HTML many tags that's have another level importance.

Canvas is the new in HTML canvas is the very advanced feature of HTML this is amazing because we are know how websites are more engagingly day by day.

Menu style change day by day is like a dream comes true HTML include every language without this language every language is less comfort to develop more attractive website.

Loading speed is also matter much more in the present google clearly say website speed is matters for ranking.

so this is my first post in English language i know in this post many more mistakes i am really sorry for that. 

Thank you very much for support and love. :)

Question Field Hindi
नमस्कार मेरा नाम खिलावन पटेल है मैं इस ब्लॉग का फाउंडर हूँ यदि आपके कोई सुझाव हों तो कमेंट करें। यह ब्लॉग एम ए हिंदी साहित्य के लिए समर्पित था है और रहेगा। 03.10.2022

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